I came up with this quote after reading the amazing life of Joan of Arc and working with Dolls from Heaven everyday. I am amazed at how God works through us weak humans to make us into Super Heroes if we ask Him to. Super Heroes are those who rush into a burning building even though they face certain death like the first responders on September 11th. They do their duty and then some. Saint Joan of Arc was a 17 year old child who was more suited to be a shepherd and God raised her up to be the Commander and Chief of all of France's armies when a girl could not be even a soldier, never mind the Chief. 17 years old, if that is not a Super Hero I do not know what is. Saint Maximilllian Kolbe offered his life to save a condemned man at Aushwitz, that is Super Hero material. You name the Saint and I will show you a Super Hero. Saint John Paul II stood up to the Communists with a message of Peace that they were powerless to resist. For he did not fight them the way one expects them too, in fact he did not fight with them at all, he loved them and always talked with them and always looked for a workable solution. When necessary he would rally the people peaceably to stand up without force, only love. Saint Mother Teresa got into the crossfire of two warring factions to rescue handicapped children that were trapped. A tiny woman who stood up in between two fighting armies and called them to peace even for only a day. She moved in between the ceasefire bravely and got the children out. Here is the amazing story: http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Mother-Teresa,-the-war-in-Lebanon-and-the-rescue-of-100-orphans-and-children-with-disabilities-38470.html
Ultimate Paracord Rosary for Protection